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Money is flowing out of Bonds and into Stocks this morning after news that the latest $59,000,000,000 Greek bailout proposals mays appease creditors and keep the country in the European Union.  Greece will most assuredly need to usher in tax increases and spending cuts to make payments this time around.

China’s whipsaw stock market is also making headlines again today as it closed this time on the upside.  Regarding the economies of both countries, the question is whether there is real sustainable growth based on sound fundamentals or just fabricated headlines to appease big brother.  No matter how you doll it up, a pig is still a pig I say.  Disclaimer: I am in no way asserting that these countries, their citizens, or anyone descending from–or with ties to–these nations are anything less than the best of human kind.  My assertion is simply that a healthy economy requires more than lipstick and rose-colored glasses.

Speaking of pigs, I had a delicious Brown Sugar Bacon and Pit Smoked Ham Sandwich on a King’s Hawaiian Bun at a reputable dining establishment down the street from my office (okay you got me, it was Arby’s) this week.  What made the experience even more sweet is that when I got to the drive thru window to pick up my food, the gal handed me my bag and informed me that the car ahead had picked up the tab.  It was the most gratifying lunch that I had all week and has caused me to look for more opportunities to be kinder than I need to be.